贺爱华 教授

姓 名 : |
贺爱华 |
职称/学位: |
教授/博士 |
单位及科室: |
青岛科技大学 高分子科学与工程学院 橡塑材料科学与工程教育部重点实验室 高分子材料教研室 |
招生专业: |
高分子化学与物理,材料学,材料加工 |
研究方向: |
烯烃、二烯烃配位聚合; 新型合成橡胶的设计合成、结构与性能研究; 新型聚烯烃材料的设计合成、结构与性能研究; 静电纺丝技术制备聚合物纳米纤维材料; 生物基材料的设计合成及性能研究; 聚合物共混体系的结晶与相态研究; |
联系电话: |
0532-84022951 |
E-mail: |
aihuahe@iccas.ac.cn |
贺爱华,山东省自然科学杰出青年基金获得者,山东省泰山学者特聘教授,山东省烯烃催化与聚合重点实验室主任。2001年毕业于北京化工大学,获博士学位,师从著名的合成橡胶专家焦书科先生。2001年进入中国科学院化学研究所著名的聚烯烃课题组开展博士后研究工作;2003年至2009年在中国科学院化学研究所高分子物理与化学国家重点实验室工作,任副研究员。先后于2006年、2012年在纽约州立大学石溪分校化学系做访问学者。2009年至今在青岛科技大学工作。主要从事烯烃、二烯烃配位聚合立构规整性调控及橡塑新材料的设计合成、结构与性能研究,特别关注聚合物共混体系的结晶行为及相态。发表科研论文近100篇,其中发表第一作者及通讯作者SCI论文60余篇,影响因子大于3 有23篇;申请中国发明专利47项,获授权发明专利27项。
1. 国家973计划课题(No 2015CB654706),国拨经费545万元
2. 国家科技支撑计划课题(No 2011BAE26B05),国拨经费602万元。
3. 山东省自然科学杰出青年基金(No JQ201213),资助金额50万元。
4. 国家自然科学基金(No 21174074),资助金额60万元。
5. 国家自然科学基金(No 51473083),资助金额83万元。
6. 国家自然科学基金(No 50973123, No 20774098, No 50503023),资助金额84万元。
7. 国际合作项目:美国著名轮胎与橡胶公司资助, 资助金额35万美元。
1.2001年 获国家技术发明奖(二等奖),第十三届全国发明展览会金奖
2.2002年 获化学所青年科学奖-特别奖,2005-2007年获化学所青年科学奖-优秀奖
3.2008年 获北京市科技新星
4.2010年 获全国化工优秀科技工作者
5.2012年 获国际发明展览会金奖,青岛科技大学十大杰出青年
6.2013年 获黄河三角洲学者特聘专家,东营市技术创新领军人才
7.2013年 入选首批青岛市创新领军人才计划
8.2013年 获青岛市巾帼创新能手
9.2014年 石化联合会突出贡献奖和创新团队奖
10.2015年 山东省青年科技奖
11.2016年 全国侨界贡献奖
12.2017年 齐鲁巾帼十杰(提名奖)
SCI期刊《Journal of Nanomaterials》及《International Journal of Polymer Science》客座主编;《高分子通报》编委
国外期刊:《Journal of Applied Polymer Science》《Polymer》《Biomacromolecules》《Langmuir》《Carbohydrate Polymers》《Nano-Micro Letters》《Composites Part B》《European Polymer Journal》《Polymer International》
1. Qingtao Niu, Chen Zou, Xiangyu Liu, Riguo Wang, Aihua He*. Isothermal crystallization fractionation and fraction characterization of trans-1,4-poly(isoprene-co-butadiene). Polymer, 2017, 109:197-204
2. 2. Huafeng Shao, Shulei Wang, Xia Dong, Aihua He*. Linear viscoelastic behaviors of polybutene-1 melts with various structure parameters. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science,2016,34(2), 174-184
3. 4. Huafeng Shao*, Shulei Wang, Aihua He*. The Influence of Molecular Weight on High Shear Rate Macroscopic Rheological Properties of Polybutene-1 Melts through Rubber Processing Analyzer. Polymer Bulletin,2016,73(11), 3209-3220
4. 5. Huafeng Shao, Zhilu Li, Aihua He*, Chenguang Liu, Wei Yao. Fabrication of trans-1,4-polyisoprene nanofibers by electrospinning and its crystallization behaviour and mechanism. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science,2016,34(7):797-804
5. 6. Huarong Nie, Cao Zhang, Yuewen Liu, Aihua He*. Synthesis of Janus Rubber Hybrid Particles and Interfacial Behavior. Macromolecules, 2016, 49 (6), 2238–2244
6. 7. Hua-rong Nie, Chao Wang, Ai-hua He*. Fabrication and Chemical Crosslinking of Electrospun Trans-polyisoprene Nanofiber Nonwoven. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science,2016,34 (6): 697-708
7. 8. Huafeng Shao#, Yaping Ma#,Huarong Nie*, Aihua He*. Solvent Vapor Annealing Induced Polymorphic Transformation of Polybutene-1. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science,2016,34(9):1141-1149
8. 1. Xiu-bo Jiang, Qing-fei Zhang and Ai-hua He*, Synthesis and Characterization of Trans-1,4-butadiene/Isoprene Copolymers: Determination of Sequence Distribution and Thermal Properties, Chinese Journal of Polymer Science,2015,33(6): 815-822
9. 3. Huafeng Shao, Shulei Wang, Xia Dong, Aihua He*,Linear viscoelastic behaviors of polybutene-1 melts with various structure parameters ,Chinese Journal of Polymer Science vol.2016,34(2), 174-184
10. 4. Kuncheng Yao, Huarong Nie, Yongri Liang*, Dong Qiu*, Aihua He*,Polymorphic crystallization behaviors in cis-1,4-polyisoprene/trans-1,4-polyisoprene blends,Polymer, 2015, 80:259–264
11. 5. Baiyu Jiang, Huafeng Shao, Huarong Nie, Aihua He*,Sequential two-stage polymerization to synthesis isotactic polypropylene/isotactic polybutene-1 alloys: compositions, morphologies and granule growing mechanism,Polymer Chemistry, 2015, 6, 3315 – 3323
12. 8. Hao Wang, Chen Zou, Aihua He*. Characterization of trans-1,4-poly(butadiene-co-isoprene) Copolymer rubber and Its application as Hump strip Stocks in PCR Tires,ACTA Polymerica Sinica,2015,(12):1387-1395
13. 4. Qingtao Niu, Xiubo Jiang, Aihua He*,Synthesis of spherical rans-1,4-polyisoprene/ trans-1,4-poly(butadiene-co-isoprene) rubber alloys within reactor,Polymer ,2014,55,2146-2152
14. 6. Xiubo Jiang, Xinglong Wen,Wen-Hua Sun, Aihua He,* Polymerization of Isoprene Catalyzed by 2-(Methyl-2-Benzimidazolyl)-6-(1-(Arylimino) Ethyl) Pyridine Iron(III) Trichloride with an Additional Donor, Journal of Polymer Science Part A,Polymer Chemistry, 2014, 52, 2395–2398
15. 8. Zhang,Q.F., Jiang,X.B., He,A.H.*,Synthesis and characterizaton of trans-1,4-butadiene/isoprene copolymers: Determination of monomer reactivity ratios and temperature dependence, Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2014,32(8): 1068-1076
16. Xiubo Jiang, Aihua He*, Stereospecific polymerization of olefins with supported Ziegler-Natta catalysts, Polym Int; 63: 179–183, 2014 (邀请综述)
17. Aihua He*,Geng Wang,Weizhen Zhao, Xiubo Jiang,Wei Yao,Wenhua Sun*, High cis-1,4 polyisoprene or cis-1,4/3,4 binary polyisoprene synthesized by 2-(benzimidazolyl)-6-(1-(arylimino)ethyl)pyridine cobalt(II) dichlorides, Polymer International, 62, 1758-1766, 2013
18. Huarong Nie, Aihua He* and Charles C. Han*, Immobilization of radionuclides on Poly(lactide-coglycolide) nanofibrous membranes, RSC Adv., 3, 12398-12402,2013
19. Aihua He, Weiping Zheng, Yangwei Shi, Guoqing Liu, Wei Yao, Baochen Huang, In situ synthesis of polybutene-1/polypropylene spherical alloys within a reactor with an MgCl2-supported Ziegler–Natta catalyst, Polymer International,61: 1575–1581, 2012
20. Aihua He*, Yangwei Shi, Liuguo Liu, Wei Yao, Baochen Huang, Preparation and Characterization of spherical PP/PB alloy by MgCl2 supported Ziegler-Natta catalyst,Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 30(5),632-641, 2012
21. Aihua He*, Chunsheng Xu,Huafeng Shao,Wei Yao*, Baochen Huang, Effect of Molecular Weight on the Polymorphic Transformation of Isotactic Poly(1-butene), Polymer degradation and stability, 95,1443-1448, 2010
22. Huarong Nie, Junxing Li, Aihua He,* Shanshan Xu, Qingsong Jiang, Charles C. Han*, Carrier System of Chemical Drugs and Isotope from Gelatin Electrospun Nanofibrous Membranes, Biomacromolecules, 11, 2190–2194, 2010
23. HuarongNie , AihuaHe*, BingJia, FanWang, QingsongJiang, CharlesC.Han*, A novelcarrierofradionuclidebasedonsurfacemodified poly (lactide-co-glycolide)nanofibrousmembrane, Polymer, 51:3344-3348, 2010
24. Aihua He*, Limei Wang, Wei Yao*, Baochen Huang, Dujin Wang, Charles C, Structural design of imidazolium and its application in PP/montmorillonite nanocomposites, Polymer degradation and stability,95:651-655, 2010
25. Huarong Nie, Aihua He,* Wanling Wu, Jianfen Zheng, Shanshan Xu, Junxing Li, Charles C. Han, Effect of polyethylene oxide with different molecular weight on the electrospinnability of sodium alginate,Polymer, 50(20):4926-4934, 2009
26. Xin Liu, Aihua He*, Kai Du, Charles C. Han*, Isothermal Crystallization Behaviour of Exfoliated PP/IMMT Nanocomposites via In Situ Polymerization, Journal of Poymer Science, Polymer Physics, 47(22):2215-2225, 2009
27. Shanshan Xu, Junxing Li, Aihua He *, Wenwen Liu, Xingyu Jiang, Jianfen Zheng, Charles C. Han, Benjamin S. Hsiao, Benjamin Chu and Dufei Fang, Chemical crosslinking and biophysical properties of electrospun hyaluronic acid based ultra-thin fibrous membranes , Polymer, 50:3762-3769, 2009
28. Wanling Wu, Guangcui Yuan, Aihua He*, Charles C. Han*, Surface depletion of the fluorine content of the fluorinated polyurethane fibers by electrospinning, Langmuir,25 (5):3178–3183, 2009
29. Huarong Nie, Aihua He*, Jianfen Zheng, Shanshanxu, Junxing Li, Charles C Han*, Effect of chain conformation and entanglement on the electrospinning of pure alginate, Biomacromolecules, 9, 1362–1365, 2008
30. Shanshan Xu, Jun Zhang, Aihua He*, Junxing Li, Hao Zhang, Charles C Han *, Electrospinning of native cellulose from nonvolatile solvent system, Polymer, 49, 2911-2917, 2008