张建明,山东省泰山学者特聘教授,博士生导师。1973年3月生于湖北省红安县;2003年毕业于中科院化学所,师从著名的光谱学家沈德言先生,并取得博士学位;2003--2008年先后在日本著名光谱学家Ozaki教授小组(JSPS Fellow)、高分子学家Tashiro教授小组以及德国马普高分子所(Humboldt Fellow)从事博士后研究;2009年全职回青岛科技大学工作。
研究领域集中在高分子光谱学,高分子结晶以及相转变机理,生物高分子材料及石墨烯材料等领域上。近年来,在运用光谱手段,从分子水平上解析高分子凝聚态结构及探讨其相变行为过程中的结构演变机制方面取得了一些成绩。迄今为止,已发表SCI收录论文80余篇;影响因子> 3.0的文章47篇,在Biomacromolecules、Macromolecules上发表文章22篇(第一作者及通讯联系人14篇);所发表文章他引2400余次,单篇引用达200余次,H-指数为27;现为Macromolecules,Polymer等期刊审稿人。
2.聚乳酸亚稳相形成机制及其与物理老化、结晶初期凝聚态局部有序结构形成的关联研究 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (2012.01-2015.12) 60万
3.聚乳酸纳米合金的制备,微结构演变与特异性能关系的研究 山东省杰出青年基金(2010.01-2012.12) 50万
1. Qi Chen, Ping Liu, Fuchun Nan, Lijuan Zhou, Jianming Zhang*, “Tuning the Iridescence of Chiral Nematic Cellulose Nanocrystal Films with Vacuum-assisted Self-assembly Technique”, Biomacromolecules, 2014,15,4343–4350.
2. Tongping Zhang, Ping Liu, Chunrui Sheng, Yongxin Duan* and Jianming Zhang*, “A green and facile approach for the synthesis of water-dispersible reduced graphene oxide based on ionic liquids”, Chem. Commun., 2014,50,2889-2892.
3. Qi Chen, Ping Liu, Chunrui Sheng, Lijuan Zhou, Yongxin Duan and Jianming Zhang*, “Tunable self-assembly structure of graphene oxide/cellulose nanocrystal hybrid films fabricated by vacuum filtration technique”, RSC Advance, 2014,4,39301–39304.
4. Hongsheng Yang, Ping Liu, Tongping Zhang, Yongxin Duan,*and Jianming Zhang*, “Fabrication of Natural Rubber Nanocomposites with High Graphene Contents via Vacuum-Assisted Self-Assembly”, RSC Advance, 2014, 4, 27687–27690.
5. Yuan Yuan, Jianming Zhang*, Jiaqian Sun, “Effect of Solvent Evaporation Rate on Order-to-Disorder Phase Transition Behavior of Regioregular Poly(3-butylthiophene)”, Macromolecules 2011, 44, 6128–6135.
6. Yuan Yuan, Jianming Zhang*, Jiaqian Sun, Jian Hu, Tongping Zhang, and Yongxin Duan, “Polymorphism and Structural Transition around 54 ?C in Regio-regular Poly(3-hexylthiophene) with High Crystallinity as Revealed by Infrared Spectroscopy”, Macromolecules 2011, 44, 9341–9350.
7. Jianming Zhang*, Yongxin Duan, Domb, A. J, and Yukihiro Ozaki, “PLLA Mesophase and Its Phase Transition Behavior in the PLLA-PEG-PLLA Copolymer As Revealed by Infrared Spectroscopy”, Macromolecules 2010, 43, 4240-4246.
8. Jianming Zhang, Kohji Tashiro,* Hideto Tsuji and Abraham J. Domb, “Disorder-to-Order Phase Transition and Multiple Melting Behavior of Poly(L-lactide) Investigated by Simultaneous Measurements of WAXD and DSC”, Macromolecules 2008, 41, 1352-1357.
9. Jianming Zhang, Kohji Tashiro,* Hideto Tsuji and Abraham J. Domb, “Investigation of Phase Transitional Behavior of Poly(L-lactide)/Poly(D-lactide) Blend to Prepare the Highly-Oriented Stereocomplex”, Macromolecules 2007, 40, 1049-1054.
10. .Jianming Zhang, Harumi Sato, Hideto Tsuji, Isao Noda, Yukihiro Ozaki,* “Infrared Spectroscopic Study of CH3…O=C Interaction during the Poly(L-lactide)/Poly(D-lactide) Stereocomplex Formation”, Macromolecules 2005, 38, 1822-1828.
11. Jianming Zhang, Yongxin Duan, Harumi Sato, Hideto Tsuji, Isao Noda, Shouke Yan, Yukihiro Ozaki,* “Crystal Modifications and Thermal Behavior of Poly(L-lactic acid) Revealed by Infrared Spectroscopy”, Macromolecules 2005, 38, 8012-8021