1997.09-2001.07 东北师范大学,化学教育专业学士
2001.09-2004.07 东北师范大学多酸化学研究所,无机化学专业硕士,导师为王恩波教授
2004.09-2007.07 中国科学院化学研究所,物理化学专业博士,导师为刘鸣华研究员
2007.12-2008.07 瑞士日内瓦大学(无机分析及应用化学学院) 博士后
2008.07-2010.01 德国波恩大学(物理与理论化学研究所) 洪堡学者
2010.06-2014.12 中国科学院青岛生物能源与过程研究所 副研究员
2014.12-至今 青岛科技大学高分子科学与工程学院 副教授
1. Dandan Zhu(指导学生); Liangjun Li; Jinjun Cai;Min Jiang*; Jiangbo Qi; Xuebo Zhao*, Nitrogen-doped Porous Carbons from Bipyridine-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks: Electrocatalysis for Oxygen Reduction Reaction and Pt-catalyst Support for Methanol Electrooxidation.Carbon, 2014, 79, 544. (IF:6.160)
2. Min Jiang, Liangjun Li, Dandan Zhu, Hongyu Zhang* and Xuebo Zhao*, Oxygen reduction in the nanocage of metal–organic frameworks with an electron transfer mediator.Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2, 5323. (IF:6.626)
3. Min Jiang, Dandan Zhu, Jinjun Cai, Hongyu Zhang,* Xuebo Zhao*, Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution and Oxygen Reduction on Polyoxotungstates/Graphene Nanocomposite Multilayers.Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2014, 118 (26), 14371. (IF:4.835)
4. Min Jiang, Dandan Zhu, Hongyu Zhang and Xuebo Zhao*, Effective electron transfer between heteropoly blue and graphene oxide: a green approach to graphene synthesis.New Journal of Chemistry, 2014, 38, 3354. (IF:3.159)
5. Min Jiang, Dandan Zhu, Xuebo Zhao*, Electrolysis of ammonia for hydrogen production catalyzed by Pt and Pt-Ir deposited on nickel foam.Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2014, 23, 1. (IF:1.788)
6. Liangjun Li, Sifu Tang, Chao Wang, Xiaoxia Lv,Min Jiang, Huaizhi Wu, Xuebo Zhao*, High gas storage capacities and stepwise adsorption in a UiO type metal-organic framework incorporating Lewis basic bipyridyl sites.Chemical Communication, 2014, 50(18), 2304. (IF:6.718)
7. Hongyu Zhang*, Aijing Miao,Min Jiang, Fabrication, characterization and electrochemistry of organic-inorganic multilayer films containing polyoxometalate and polyviologen via layer-by-layer self-assembly.Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2013, 141, 482. (IF:2.129)
8. Liangjun Li, Sifu Tang, Xiaoxia Lv,Min Jiang, Chao Wang, Xuebo Zhao*, An rht type metal-organic framework based on small cubicuboctahedron supermolecular building blocks and its gas adsorption properties.New Journal of Chemistry, 2013, 37( 11), 3662. (IF:2.966)
9. 蒋敏*,张宏宇,赵学波,烷基链长对紫精分子在Cu(100)电极表面吸附结构的影响,物理化学学报,2011, 27(1), 163. (IF:0.780)
10. Melanie Röefzaad,Min Jiang, Vlad Zamlynny, Klaus Wandelt*,Potential dependent structure transitions of heptyl viologen layers on Cu(100) studied by in situ STM and IRRAS.Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2011, 662, 219. (IF:2.672)
11. Min Jiang, Knud Gentz, Klaus Wandelt*, Redox activity and ordered adlayer of heptyl viologen on a Cu(100) electrode: an electrochemical and in-situ STM study.ChemPhysChem, 2010, 11, 1542. (IF:3.340)
12. Min Jiang, Ionel Popa, Plinio Maroni*, Michal Borkovec, Adsorption of Poly-L-lysine on Silica Probed by Optical Reflectometry.Colloid&SurfaceA, 2010, 360, 20. (IF:2.236)
13. Min Jiang, Tifeng Jiao, Minghua Liu*, Photochromic Langmuir–Blodgett films based on polyoxomolybdate and gemini amphiphiles.New Journal of Chemistry, 2008, 6, 959.
14. Min Jiang, Minghua Liu*, A photoluminescent switch based on the hybrid organized molecular films of decatungsteuropate and some amphiphiles.Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2007, 316(1),100.
15. Min Jiang, Xiaodong Zhai, Minghua Liu*, Hybrid molecular films of Gemini amphiphiles and Keggin-type polyoxometalate: effect of the spacer length on the electrochemical properties.Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2007, 17, 193.
16. Min Jiang, Xiaodong Zhai, Minghua Liu*, Fabrication and photoluminescence of hybrid organized molecular films of a series of Gemini amphiphiles and europium (III)-containing polyoxometalate.Langmuir, 2005, 21, 11128.
17. Min Jiang, Enbo Wang*, Xiuli Wang, Aiguo Wu, Self-assembly of lacunaryDawsontype polyoxometalates and poly (allylamine hydrochloride) multilayer films: photoluminescent and electrochemical behavior.Applied Surface Science, 2005, 242, 199.
18. Min Jiang, Enbo Wang*, Gang Wei, Lin Xu and Zhuang Li, Photochromic inorganic–organic multilayer films based on polyoxometalates and poly(ethylenimine).Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2004, 275, 596.
19. Min Jiang, Enbo Wang*, Lin Xu, Zhenhui Kang and Suoyuan Lian,The first example of multilayer films with thermochromic properties.Journal ofSolidStateChemistry, 2004, 177, 1776.
20. Min Jiang, Hong Zhang, Enbo Wang*, Assembly and characterization of a Rare-earth-containing polyoxometalates [Eu(P2Mo17O61)2]17- and poly(allylamine hydrochloride) multilayer films.Chemistry Research ofChineseUniversity, 2004, 20, 15.
21. Min Jiang, Enbo Wang*, Zhenhui Kang, Suoyuan Lian, In situ controllable synthesis of polyoxometalates nanoparticles in polyelectrolyte multilayers.Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2003, 13, 647.
22. Min Jiang, Enbo Wang*, Gang Wei, Lin Xu, Zhenhui Kang, A novel photochromic multilayer based on Preyssler’s cluster.New Journal of Chemistry, 2003, 27, 1291.
23. Li Wang,Min Jiang, Enbo Wang*, Suoyuan Lian, Lin Xu, Synthesis and characterization of the nanoporous ultrathin multilayer films based on molybdenum polyoxometalate (Mo36)n.Materials Letters, 2004, 58, 683.
24. Zhenhui Kang, Enbo Wang*,Min Jiangand Suoyuan Lian, Synthesis and characterization of polyoxometalate nanowires based on a novel microemulsion process.Nanotechnology, 2004, 15, 55.
25. Zhenhui Kang, Enbo Wang*,Min Jiangand Suoyuan Lian, Convenient controllable synthesis of inorganic 1D nanocrystals and 3D high-ordered microtubes.EuropeJournal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2003, 2, 370.
26. Suoyuan Lian, Zhenhui Kang, Enbo Wang*,Min Jiang, Changwen Hu and Lin Xu, Convenient synthesis of single crystalline magnetic Fe3O4 nanorods.SolidStateCommunication, 2003, 127, 605.
1. 一种电解氨制备氢气的方法及装置,赵学波,蒋敏,朱丹丹,申请号201310383348.9。
2. 一类含膦酰键Pincer型金属有机化合物的制备方法,赵学波、蒋敏、李良军、许贤瑞、邢艳珑,申请号201210583065.4。
1. Metal-Organic Framework as a Precursor for N-doped Porous Carbon Synthesis.
13th International Conference on Inorganic Membranes (ICIM) 2014, 6-9 July 2014, Hilton Brisbane, Australia, P.1-46.
2. Structural transitions of heptyl viologen adlayers on a Cu(100) electrode: an electrochemical and in situ STM study.
26th European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS 26), 2009, Aug. 30 – Sept. 4, Parma, Italy.